Unfortunately, I had one of the moments recently, which may be best explained by the following:
However, I have, at least generally, tried to keep personal, political opinions out of this blog. I didn’t start it to carry on, eloquently or otherwise, about my politics. Those who know me, can probably figure out how I will vote. I don’t care. I, however, do not wish to raise my blood pressure (or those of my readers [if any]) and increase the stress in my life by discussing the virtues (if any) of any candidate, nor the outrages (there have already been some) of any candidate, either.
What this means is that I MAY be ever less regular about posting entries to this blog than usual until at least after the election. I’ll be happy to exchange emails with anyone who wants to write me individually, but I think it’s going to be harder than usual to focus on the sort of thing I usually write about during “campaign season.”
So take this as a warning, if you don’t see a new posting for a while, it’s not because I’m dead, I’m probably just disgusted. After all, the only form of government worse than a democratic republic is everything else, but even a democratic republic can be a little hard to stomach at times.