I’ve done a number of past posts based around pictures of signs I have seen, found, or just heard of, and found them to be an enjoyable topic. However, the titles of those posts have varied quite a lot. Therefore, I don’t quite know what would be the most appropriate title variation for future posts along the same line. So, I’m not going to worry about that and just use the title of this post for all future “sign” posts. The title is the last thing I want to worry about. Selecting content I really wish to post about is comp;icated enough without getting “tied up” with frivolous detail.
Hence, I intend to use the above title for posts about signs which have turned up along streets, highways, sidewalks, and various “public” places in the future. That being said, here’s some “signs” which have amused me that I have collected from various sources.
Now, this NEXT one clearly is a true sign, but it’s an unusual variation on a fairly common, standard theme.
This next sign appears to be posted on a schoolyard or a city park fence. I have to admit that I wonder who would have put it up and exactly what it is intended to convey.
This next example seems to simply be someone trying politely (and quite cleverly) to encourage the neighborhood dog owners to remove their pets “business” from his/her garden or yard. It’s pleasant to see such a desire presented in such a pleasant manner, especially in this day and age when one seems to find threats of mass slaughter more common. As they say, “Good job!”
As I think back, I remember Maggi and my trip to England in 2009, where this sign would be right at home, as it’s commonly used.
Thinking about England reminds me of the recent death of Elizabeth II. I confess to having been quite fond of the the care she seemed to show for people and the sense of class she exuded. I liked her a lot! However, that just might be because I see a considerable contrast between her and her son, Charles III, whom I think of as seeming to be a bit of a jerk.
Of course, it is possible that that attitude could be the result of a prejudice of mine related to the fact that I have an ancestor who (according to family legend) swung the axe to take off Charles I’s head. I would suggest that Chas. I was clearly something of a jerk (as was his son, Chas. II) but that’s probably beside the point. And none of that has anything to do with signs, which brings me back to the image I was introducing, which may not really be a sign, but which I enjoyed a lot.
Speaking of characters, how’s THIS for a way to advertise your yard sale?
I’ll be back in a couple of weeks with something different. Until then …
🖖🏼 LLAP,
Dr. B