This “Funky Winkerbean” comic a while ago really hit me hard.
Society, generally, loves to make fun of us “olders.” Our health, our memories, and the fact that many of us (myself included) aren’t considered to be really “with it” in terms of “modern” trends, seems to be a constant source of amusement to “youngers” (who are getting older every day). (Revenge is SO sweet!) Anyway, here’s a few things which relate to the fact of aging which I actually enjoyed.
Of course, a major difference between MY generation and the current one was the lack of “social media.” The more I think about it, though, the more I doubt that we ever felt the loss.
I don’t think of myself as a complete Luddite, but I also don’t think that something is automatically better just because it’s new(er). I DO have (and actually use) a GPS device in my car(s), although I have to admit that I sometimes find it unnerving in it’s vocal comments. For example, I ran across this statement somewhere not long ago: “I felt uncomfortable driving into the cemetery. The GPS blurted out ‘You have reached you final destination.’”
Perhaps it’s just the choice of phrasing, but I think the GPS makers MIGHT be able to find a better way to have their devices phrase this.
Then there’s also the fact that I can do (at least have done a good many times) things which those who want to hold my age against me are apparently not able to do. Witness THIS sign, for example.
Oh, well, I know I’m getting old, and I’m TRYING to accept it with some amount of grace, but it’s not always easy. Life has a habit of sneaking up on you when you don’t expect it. I mean, this (below) is what they say is supposed to happen, but it hasn’t worked for me yet, at least not reliably…
There’s also the fact that, like many “olders,” I do (on occasion) catch myself (as I do something foolish) wondering…
🖖🏼 LLAP,
Dr. B
“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.”
— Nelson Mandela
“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic; capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.” ― Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows