I suspect that this little picture may sum up a lot of people’s thinking about the current state of affairs:
Now, I’ve always enjoyed watching football, even served as manager and trainer for my high school’s state winning team. I also have enjoyed watching the cheerleaders (who were friends of mine in high school). On the other hand, I confess that my interest in sports has been reduced by the current pandemic. See Zits below.
Dr. B
P.S. This is NOT “pandemically related,” but I found it the other day and was moved to use it. The late Ming Cho Lee, the famous designer and educator, is quoted as having said, “Being polite is the death of theater.” I couldn’t agree more, especially in relation to educational theatre. My way of phrasing it, as some might remember, always was, “If you don’t offend at least some people at least some of the time, you’re just not doing your job.”