I don't know where this was from, but I found it on the Internet a while ago. It's, obviously, a couple of years old, but, given the reality of Uber and Lyft, it does seem to suggest that time, and perspective, can change attitudes and ideas, at least for some. I do have to confess, however, that I'm not overly fond of the whole "Uber/Lyft/gig" economy. It just doesn't strike me as particularly safe, or wise, for either party, even when we don't have a pandemic to worry about.
Then, just the other day, I saw this on the back of a car at a stoplight.
As we live in Omaha, we are used to having some sort of wind blowing at, virtually, all times. (There are occasions when I am reminded of Oklahoma! "... where the wind comes sweeping down the plain.") That's probably why I was much pleased by the idea that some unknown weather person at some Channel 12 located somewhere had developed a wind gauge system which seemed to make sense for those of us who live on the Great Plains. Check it out...
Sometimes, I "discover" a sign which was clearly totally unplanned, and which occurred through some sort of freak of nature. I'm reasonably sure that this is the case with this next one, but it struck me as one which was just too wonderful not to include. I think it qualifies for a second look, even in Hollywood. I didn't take this picture, but I wish I had. I LOVE it!
Our older daughter, Kate, sent me this not long ago and I could NOT resist including it as a "sign of the times." I don't know that it was really a sign, in the technical sense, but it DOES make you think, doesn't it?
Dr. B
P.S. See you in August