I follow the news from actual medical experts and find it highly unlikely that this thing is over and done with and we're all going to be "just fine" any second now because a man with a BS degree in Economics (without Honors) from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and who claims to be some sort of "genius" is smarter than "everybody" because he watches "the shows," and says that things will be just fine shortly. I will admit that I may be old fashioned, but I prefer to place my trust in people with M.D. or Ph.D. in some branch of Biology or Public Health after their name when it comes to questions of MY health.
In any event, like most other people, I have been dealing with staying at home close to 99% of the time (I have been out to walk to our mailbox, for a few medical appts., trips to the pharmacy [prescriptions need to be refilled even in these times], etc., but that totals just a few minutes a week) and I AM a bit tired of staying inside, away from people, and having most businesses and services be closed, but there IS always the fact that this could be the:
Remember, OUR FOUNDING FATHERS did to George III's England what they described as "TREASON" in the U.S. Constitution (Article III, “Section 3. "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them ....”). I acknowledge that no actual shots have been fired during these "demonstrations," so War has not actually been levied, but the threat is clearly being made and certainly appears to have been intended by these "patriots." Perhaps they should be spending more time helping their children with their History and Civics schoolwork, than parading around in the streets demanding their "rights."
Speaking of assisting with your kids' schoolwork, did you see this?
Speaking of amusing got me to remembering this Non Sequitur cartoon I saw a week, or so, ago. I had put it in my folder of Internet-related cartoons but decided that it probably fit here better in this post.
Another solution to boredom was suggested by Foxtrot the other day,
I close by taking a note from the CBS Sunday Morning tv show which Bonnie and I have been pretty faithful watchers of for quite a long time. It's still pretty good, but I confess that I miss Charles Kuralt, the original host of it. Perhaps the feature which I enjoy the most is the "nature minute" at the end of the broadcast, where they just show a few shots of animals, birds, trees, flowers, whatever comes along. No music, no talking, just peace, quiet and pretty.
Here's the best I can do.
We will get through this. Togetherness helps. Naps do too, trust the baby tigers.
Dr. B