America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You've gotta want it bad,
cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say ‘You want free speech? Let's see you
acknowledge a man who's words make your blood boil, and who's standing center
stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime
opposing at the top of yours.’
It isn't the speech which everyone agrees with that needs to be protected, it's that which is controversial, offensive and likely to be raise people's hackles. Why should we go out of our way to protect this sort of speech? Because that's how progress is made, how we force ourselves to consider the fact that none of us know all the answers, that any idea worth having is worth questioning. That's what the First Amendment is really all about. It's what protects us by guaranteeing the Right to challenge ideas of others and offer up our own for consideration. It does NOT give us the right to censor ideas we don't agree with, but it guarantees us the right to have a chance to be heard.
Actions like those in France today (January 7, 2015) are unfortunate as they are intended to shut off debate, differing opinions and thought. We can NOT let them succeed! I hope that, as a group, we will all acknowledge and support the idea that we are all "CHARLIE." It is with pride that I say:
Je Suis Charlie