I’ve noticed over the years that there seems to be a fairly common assumption that “older people” (often referred to somewhat disparagingly as “Seniors”), are incapable of having a rational thought or actually “doing” almost anything. Nobody ever says it, of course (except Republicans, for some reason), but the implication seems to be that such people should just make like an Eskimo and go off someplace and “decrease the surplus population.” This is communicated in various semi-subtle ways like (except in political ads):
What they DON’T tell us is that, most of the time, it’s assumed that such a notion is actually impossible and, even if it weren’t, achieving that end can’t possibly be satisfactory. That is, that in order to be “socially acceptable,” you have to become RICH! You really MUST NEED to have a second home (on “the lake,” or “in the mountains,” whether you really want one (or both), or not; you have to take “cruises” with some regularity, again, even if you really don’t care about them, except over “drinks” with friends. You truly NEED to drive a new car every couple of years, even if you don’t go anywhere much, etc., etc., etc.
Based on MY experience (such as it has been), that simply doesn’t make sense for the vast majority of people, even if it was possible. Some people look forward to retirement because they understand that, even if they loved their work, there ARE things they were simply unable to do while working, but which they would actually enjoy doing. In other words, there are things they would like to do just because they WANT TO DO THEM, and which “job commitments” made difficult.
These things could take the form of reading, writing, creating (making) something, playing with the grandkids, gardening, almost anything, but it may well be something of a change from the sort of thing which was done for “gainful employment.” OR, it could be quite similar, but being done just “for fun!” The purpose of retirement should be, in my estimation, to be able to do what you want JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT TO DO IT!
I have observed, that, for many people, the act of simply making money becomes the driving force in their life to the point that it becomes the focal point of their life, to the exclusion of almost everything else. I think that’s too bad. I think that if one can’t derive some real pleasure from what they do in their work, they are doing the wrong thing! That doesn’t mean that every moment of your life is unmitigated enjoyment, nor should it be. It DOES mean, however, that one should always be able to find some satisfaction (even pleasure) in whatever they do, everyday. I (to use an obvious example) didn’t always (ever?) really enjoy grading papers, making up tests, or doing class prep. There were times when even designing a show, or making construction drawings (let alone doing the actual construction) was a LOT less than fun. But, once I accepted that these were part of the whole job, I could look forward to gaining satisfaction from seeing the end result be, hopefully, successful, or, at least, satisfactory; and in seeing my students gain skills, confidence and knowledge from our work together, be it in a classroom or the shop.
I must admit that I never was rich or famous, but I rarely had to worry about having a roof over my head and food of some sort on the table for me and my family. I worked for as long as I was happy about it, and decided to retire because I got to the point where I felt that “it was time,” as they say. I’d done what I wanted to do (for the most part) and it was time to do something else. Not something radically different, in many ways, just not what had made me happy for all of those earlier years.
Here’s a Non Sequitur strip which explains it pretty well.
Speaking of going to the “Y,” I’m not quite senile enough yet to not get the humor intended (I think) in THIS cartoon, although we do belong to AARP, thanks to a gift membership from Bonnie’s older brother.
Assuming that I don’t encounter that alternative in the next couple of weeks, I’ll be back then to “play” on my keyboard about something else.
🖖🏼 LLAP,
Dr. B